Maxine Kneubuhler

Cash is King

Cash is King. Your listening to Money To Wealth with Maxine Kneubuhler on 997 Bridge FM. We all know “Cash is King” and today this is definitely true. When I say this however, I am not talking about sitting on a pile of cash; rather I am talking about ‘Cash Flow” that is King. In business and in life we want cash to be moving in and out of a business as efficiently and effectively as possible. The most widely accepted method of valuing any asset is not based on accounting profits, but on estimating free cash flows and discounting…

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Making Money Work

MAKING MONEY WORK – Assign Costs According to the Resources Consumed Your listening to Money To Wealth with Maxine Kneubuhler on 997 Bridge FM. “Gut feel’ is anathema [uh–nath–uh-muh] to finance. That is it is something hated. It is far better to make business decisions based on sound analysis. Cost-benefit analysis is essential in making calculated business decisions. Accounting information is a historical record of every commercial transaction that the company has entered into for the period under review. To have information available to make business decisions, all relevant data needs to be processed.  If we are making forecasts about…

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11 signs you’re going to be wealthy, even if it doesn’t feel like it

11 signs you’re going to be wealthy, even if it doesn’t feel like it Matthew Michaels Business Insider Mar 18, 2018, 11:15 PM Matthew Michaels Mar 18, 2018, 11:15 PM Business Insider Building wealth is easier than you think. Vince Caligiuri / Stringer / Getty Images   Warren Buffett is one of the richest people in the world because he saved and invested — and didn’t follow get rich quick schemes.   Wealth is attainable to everyone with good Financial habits, and you may already be on the right path.   Spending less money than you earn, saving for retirement,…

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